Please share about your favorite place to be around water and what steps you take to make water safety a priority.
Sara Wheeler
5/27/2013 04:14:08 am


Great website very thorough and complete with a lot of information!! I really liked the section with the slideshow of different flotation devices and why they were important. I learned a lot from that section. One idea for improving the site would be to have a clearer picture at the top of the page. I like the picture, but it is pretty fuzzy which makes it difficult to look at. Great job!

5/27/2013 07:02:00 am


This is a great website, you provided so much educational information on how to stay safe and enjoy the water! I was surprised to find out the children can drown in as little as 2 inches of water, that is so scary! One thing that could help readers using this website is listing facts such as at what age can a person start swimming lessons? I saw you added some links but mentioning on the site might be beneficial as well. Overall, really good website I also really found the information about water safety devices very helpful!

Ally Silberman
5/27/2013 11:18:59 am

Good job on your website! I really though you had a lot of good and useful information, I especially liked the tab all about lifejacket safety. I also had no idea that children can drown in only two inches of water, which is scary, but such an imporant fact to know. Overall you did a really good job on your site, maybe the one thing you could improve on would be adding tips for parents on how to identify how strong of a siwmmer their child is, so they can be aware of the depth of water their child should be swimming in.

Heather Tripp
5/29/2013 05:04:33 am

Nice job on your website there is a ton of great information related to water safety. I really liked that you discussed each topic and why they were so important to the overall safety. You could possibly add links to resources such as swim schools or local pools in the area that have lifeguards on duty.

6/1/2013 01:26:13 pm

Great website Mckenzie. I didn't know anything about types of lifevests. I would have just grabbed one off the shelf and thought it was good enough. I can now get preservers that are good for me and my family. Thank you.

I would suggest some places around the Twin cities that offer classes. I wouldn't know where to begin with getting my daughter into swimming classes. What age do you start? Overall a great job.

Sam Berglund
6/4/2013 11:18:28 am

I thought the website was excellent and had a lot of good information. I did not know that there were so many types of life jackets depending on your size.

I would suggest adding more information about local places where people can take lessons or learn about water safety.

Breena E.
6/4/2013 03:47:58 pm

I really enjoyed your website. There was many statistics and ideas (such as drinking, weather, and sizes for life jackets for swimming). I learned that there are different classifications of life jackets. I think maybe one thing you could discuss on the website is the increasing problem with drain suctions causing drownings, especially in Minnesota. Otherwise I think you did great!

Matt H
6/5/2013 07:38:45 am

Great job on the website. I liked your layout and color choice. It was very easy to navigate. I had no idea there were that many different life jackets. The only thing I would ad is what age is appropriate to start swimming lessons and places and prices around the cities. Great Job!


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    McKenzie Enebo

    I am a nursing student and a former lifeguard and swimming instructor and scuba diver. I love being in and around water.  Water safety is important so that people of all ages are able to feel safe water.


    May 2013

